Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally, a breakthrough!

Listen, I don't know about you, but for the past few weeks, perhaps months even, I have had a gnawing feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. It's a strange uncertainity that I wake up with every morning, and snuggle up to every night. It's a fear that, for some, may be all too familiar and rarely spoken about. I know for a fact I do not suffer alone. What is this fear?

Four (or more) years of John McCain.

Think about it. Stop and really try to see in your mind's eye the possibility of election night screeching to a halt as CNN announces "All hail the Republican party!"

Kinda makes you queasy, doesn't it?

In all honesty, politics was never something that stood out in the forefront of my mind as I have waddled through my silly life, but more of a background noise that led to many years of cynicism and close-mindedness. "All those guys are crooks and liars", I'd repeat every four years as the future became more and more bleak. I am sure I speak for many people when I say that Americans are feeling helpless, weary, and without sense of self.

But this year, for the first time, I have noticed an amazing seedling emerging from the collective soil. A small sliver of light; realizing that perhaps, finally, we have stumbled upon a man that has the drive and the character to bring us through this dark time in our history. A reality of change, honesty, and, above all, hope that we, as Americans can, once again, look to our country and feel shameless pride, instead of sheer embarrassment.

Young voters are registering in record numbers as more and more of them realize just how important this election year really is. There is a stirring in this nation, which began as a faint whisper, that is becoming increasingly more like a primal scream. The changing of the guard has come, and that guard is scared shitless.

So, what is it that makes me worry so, you may ask? It's simple. There is an unfortunate reality that coincides with this rare moment. Ignorance. Bigotry. The inability for many people to see past the hype and mud slinging, not to mention the obvious attempts at optical wool pulling that leads me to think people might mistaken blantant lies and slander for legitimate ideas and competency.

Sure, politics is a game, always has been, always will be, but I don't remember one campaign in my lifetime that has held its dignity in check more that Barack Obama's. NO, he's not a perfect man, with all the answers, but a man that has seen the truth in Washington and in our country and holds fast to the idea of maintaining civility and character in his running for the presidency.

You cannot deny the sorry stench of hopelessness. No matter how many times you bathe-you can't quite seem to get off. We have trudged through eight years of bad policy, bad decisions, and nasty secrets. We have been virtually stripped of our civil rights and liberties as Americans and been handed dirty, filthy, blood stained rags in exchange.

There is absolutely nothing about John McCain that leads me to believe that putting him in the highest position in this country will bring us anything but more and more oppression and despair. Bush is handing him an administration and a legacy that is beyond a Repubilcan's ability to fix. You can't help the people if you don't understand the people.

We are tired. That much is obvious. But I honestly believe if we see past the rhetoric and nit-picking, the white washing and lies, we will be met with great rewards as Barack Obama is sworn into office in January.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to stock up on Rolaids...there's an election on.

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