Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, I had a few extra moments this morning and I thought I would hop in here and give the lowdown....

It's been one week today since Gary headed out to California. So far his luck has reached a brick wall, and things have already started to crumble. Let's hope he gets his act together and things go his way for once.

I have been terribly sick these past few days and yesterday I finally had a good day - only to have my troubles return this morning as I got up for work. I think it may finally be time for a visit to the doctor.

There is so much happening so fast and I am doing my best to keep up. I am feeling rather confident everything will smooth out eventually.

I am beginning to realize that the best thing for me at this moment is an all out detox - but I am reluctant to do so as the comfort of coffee and junk food seem to be numbing my pain.

I am in such a strange place right now. Not sure if its contentment or panic. A bizarre fence I am sitting on.

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