Sunday, March 30, 2008

1:27 am

That is when I awoke out of a sound sleep and glanced over at Captain Wonderful and his Slut Brigade. He exudes some sort of constant snnoyance vibe that grinds my gears, because I am soooo tired of expending MY energy on him.

I used to lay awake at night wondering who the hell he was talking to all night, and why. Nowadays it all seems trite and too low brow for my standards.

I think as I got up at 1:45 am I exstinguished whatever hot and heavy fire he had lit with whomever he was talking to that prompted him to be touching himself in rather inappropriate places. Hence the reason I sat up in bed with such a start. I hate my intuition....loathe it even at times. I had specifically asked him to refrain from any sort of activity like that while I am home, asleep or not. Maybe a frying pan to the head would help it sink in better....

So, the other day while I was having that AWFUL Bertuccis meal, I considered the possibility of blogging that journal I had attempted to use with him. I think the story will tell itself.

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