Sunday, March 30, 2008

Impatience, insane girl, impatience...

You know, this is like waiting for a delayed flight. I have a destination, and I am all packed and ready to go, but instead...I am made to wait. And wait. And wait.

But, see here, I am ALL READY to go!! Look, I have a carry on and EVERYTHING!!! I dont want to have to spend $4.00 on a bottle of water!! I just want to get where I am going!!

Ok, fine. My flight is delayed three weeks you say? Fine.

What shall I do in the meantime? Any ideas? Thoughts? Coupons? Drinks? Free travel pillows? Pretzels? Self esteem packets? W. H. Smith you say?? Awesome...thanks alot.

Do you know how many airports I have been through? 17 to be exact. That's alot of baggage claims and taxi rides.

Ahhh, another classic Heather rambling post. Don't you just love it?

Should I put another pot of coffee on? its 4am now. Been up for about 2 1/2 hours. He should be heading to bed within the next couple of hours. Yay...even evil darkness has to sleep SOMETIMES.

Click, clickety, clickety, clickety, click. Type hun, type. Tell your slaves how precious they are to you. Tell these sad, lonely, lost, overweight, unattractive, mislead girls how you gave up a real life relationship for them. Tell them how you don't know the difference between lust and love. Tell them that their Master doesnt know how to balance a checkbook, or close a kitchen cupboard door for that matter.

Master needs a haircut. Master doesn't know who the Beatles are. Master can't pick up after himself. Master is prone to fits of depression and thinks he has it all figured out. Click, click, clickety click. Master can't spell. Master has a hard time concentrating on more than one thing at a time. Master has an emtremely short attention span when dealing with things of a non-sexual nature. Master likes Kool Aid and homemade cookies. Master can only drink 2% milk. Master tends to snore rather loudly. Master talks alot about things he knows nothing about. Master is a failure at just about everything he attempts. Master took true love and flushed it down the IMVU dungeon toilet. Master is alot of talk, and no action.

Master Metal Blade cannot see the dungeon for the slaves. Clever.

Coffee pot #2 in process...please wait.

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