Sunday, March 30, 2008

San Francisco

San Francisco is my hometown. I was born on Geary Street, at French Hospital, known as Kaiser Permanente today.

I believe Geary Street is the second longest street in the city. If memory serves me right, Mission Street is by far the longest street.

I used to have a friend that lived in the city whom I would pal around with. Her name was Victoria Countryman. I always thought she had one of the coolest names I had ever heard. Sounds like a model, or an author.

Anyway, Vic and I used to run around Geary. I remember one time in particular when we went to Bella Pizza to pick up a large cheese pizza and headed to Ocean Beach.

We were bound and determined to enjoy pizza at the beach. Unfortunately, the wind was extremely unforgiving.

I so vividly recall her bringing Jet (her black dog) out on shore, along with blankets and such. We sat down to eat, and the wind kicked up something fierce. Sand flew across the pie and we ended up with gritty, sand covered pizza. We were so pissed. We had been looking forward to that pizza for so long.

We also used to shop at Trader Joes together. That was always a hoot. Usually went to the Geary/Masonic one, although one time we did go to the one south of Market. I recall that one as well: We were barely there 5 minutes when over in the produce dept we see this massively pregnant woman wearing nothing but a half shirt and tight cargo pants. Across her rapidly expanding belly was this huge tattoo of a sun. It was as if to say, "Hey, look at me world!!! I am pregnant! I have NO MODESTY whatsoever!!!" She and I took one look at that, and bailed.

We would drive two hours to the Target in Novato, CA just to shop with white people. Horrible, I know. But SO worth the effort! Then it was off to IHOP for a grilled chicken sammich and a ton of Lewis Black jokes.

She and I loved stand up comedy. We had such similar comedic/musical interests. She had a keen sense of style and bought me my very first simple black dress from Eddie Bauer. She believed EVERY woman should have one. And it should be replaced every year.

One thing we NEVER saw eye to eye on was shoes. For her, high heels were like great sex, if not better. To me, barefoot was where it was at. But regardless, we were the best of friends for quite a number of years.

She was also my speed buddy. We used to sit up for days, doing that shit and playing mah jong. She also knew how to make a mean cheese omelette.

Well. Victoria and I don't speak anymore. We just never quite saw things the same way after the whole Mark thing. That whole "out of control spazz" thing. I am pretty sure she can still be found kicking around the Pillbugs message board, in fact, I bet my life on it.

I can thank Vic for introducing me to Mark. Thanks Polly Substance. That was sarcasm, in case you were wondering.

Check out the pic in this blog...its San Francisco in Jell-O.

1 comment:

V said...

Oh man, Heather, I sure miss the hell outta you! I still consider you to be one of my very best pals and wish we lived closer to each other. It took two years to find this blog entry,
V the out of control spazz lol


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