Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two hours and one pot of coffee later

3:24am. Here I sit, doing everything in my power to not be affected by this ridiculous situation. Talk about an elephant in the room.

Not a fan of being uncomfortable in my own home. I have no idea how the hell we plan on making it to April 20th. I hope its sooner. Much sooner.

Ahhh, Captain Wonderful just hit the 8 hr imvu mark. Way to go guy! I am impressed. And that's without food or a bathroom break. Nice. Maybe someday you will be able to give that sort of attention to a REAL PERSON. Not bloody likely.

I know my sarcasm and cynicism is peeking through all this crap, and I don't care. It is how I have always dealt with things.

Ok, what's up with the groaning over there?? Should I step outside for 5 minutes so you can blow your load?? Hmmm.....nahhh. I don't feel like moving.

That's right, readjust your seat over there pretty boy. It must be awfully annoying to wanna let loose, but can't. Do you hate me yet?

Funny, for a guy that claims to be a Master, he sure doesn't exhibit a whole lot of control over this particular situation. It's rather humorous.

Yay....three days off, and my period coming on with a vengance. Happy happy birthday, happy birthday cramps!

I think I need some E. Rhodes. Now.

Somebody made for me.....GOD PLEASE!!!!!

This song gives me warm fuzzies and INSTANT SMILE. It obliterates the darkness that surrounds my lovely ex - partner. He will never achieve this level of INSTANT SMILE.

Sunshine in a Box.

Chord progression on "Ask and you'll receive"......Can I marry you?

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