Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ewww modern medicine!

Good morning America! Today is Tuesday, March 4th 2008. The current time and temperature is 4:35 am and 46 degrees! I will be heading to workshortly and beforeI do, I ddcided to get back into that mode of journaling before work. Hey, he is up, so it isn't like I will wake anyone LOL.

Okay, so, the story so far.....you know what? I don't even feel like getting into the details, because honestly they dont matter. Look, Gary and I fought, I crumbled, he got frustrated and that's that. At the moment I am doing everything in my power to not freak out at the fact that he AGAIn has not come to bed because he is up online talking to friends. Do I think something is going on? Absolutely not. Do I think he is cheating? Nope. What hurts me is that his time is preferrably spent with people other than myself, but I need to learn to give him that time and space or else all is lost.

He is an internet junkie...along with probably 70% of the population of this doomed country. I have been known to pull a few all nighters on occasion.

This relationship can be saved. I have now idea how this will turn out but I know as usual I must give it all that i can, whether or not he does the same. All that requires at the moment is my ability to allow him a social life. Wow, I had no idea how difficult this was. I am hanging in there though. This allows me times to find out what I want in my life besides him. And who knows....it may not turn out at all like I expect.

At least he stopped hiding stuff. I can't tell you how frustrating THAT was. We are both growing, changing, and learning. I hope. Time will tell. My theory is if I give him enough space, he will miss me, and realize a few things. Stay tuned.

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