Sunday, March 30, 2008

Rick Chick

Ha. 28 years I have been in love with Rick Springfield. Little does he know how many trials and tribulations he has seen me through. Right now "Success Hasn't Spoiled Me Yet" is calming my waters.

Last years concert in Times Square at the Nokia Theatre was so awesome. We had such a great time. I will never forget that trip. Massive martinis and Rick in the flesh.

The first copy of this album I received as a Christmas present from my grandmother. She had sent me this album and Working Class Dog from Arizona. Pretty cool.

I have had the pleasure of seeing Rick live four times in my life. Once in San Francisco in 1993, in Beverly MA in 2004, Hampton Beach, NH in 2005 (thanks Mom!!) and most recently in New York City in 2007.

Man - I sure wish he'd go to bed. Holy crap - he has been glued to that computer since 7:30 last night. It's 5:00 am right now. Tell me that is normal. He does. INSANITY!

You know, the funny part is I took two trazadones last night, and slept for the usual3-4 hours. Then, after waking up to "that" I downed two Calms Forte. Nothing. I laid there about 20 minutes before giving up and heading to my coffee pot.

I have dropped almost 20 lbs in the past few months. Between the Zoloft and the stress of breaking up with Gary, I had devised the perfect diet plan!!!

How can two peoples realities and lives be SOOOOOOO different? Here we sit, right now, right here, a mere 6 ft from each other. Not a word passes between us. I blog - he does whatever he does. All I know is - the Gary online is NOT the same Gary in real life. Are two Garys better than one? Ummmm, no.

Yes world, I am STILL rehashing this in my mind. The infamous pro/con list. It is the only way I stay remotely sane right now.

He is unhealthy, unintelligent, and vacant. A friend of mine came to see me at work today and told me that when she met him back in November, the impression she got from him was complete lack of emotion and personality. I also added that he almost seems to have no soul.

But somewhere down this road I SAW something in him that made me fall into his arms. But what? Hard to concentrate with "Don't Talk To Strangers" blaring into my left ear.

If he is still up in two hours, he will hit the 12 hour mark. WHY DO I FUCKING CARE? What is my obsession? No clear headed thinking is possble until he leaves, so please take all I say with a grain of salt at this point.

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